Our pets age at a faster rate than we do. A senior dog is usually considered a ‘senior’ once they are 8 years of age. A senior cat is usually a cat older than 10 years of age. Senior pets have different nutritional requirements and have a higher likelihood for certain problems. Signs of a senior patient are increased sleeping, behavioral changes or confusion. weight loss or weight gain, matted coats, difficulty moving or rising, vision loss, lumps and bumps, and bad breath.
We recommend that senior pets have exams every 6 months and annual bloodwork. Early detection of these problems can help increase longevity and quality of life.
Medications can be prescribed to alleviate pain. Dentals to prevent periodontal disease and systemic infections. Diets to help slow the progression of kidney disease, cognitive dysfunction, and arthritis.
Obesity is a huge problem in our pets. Obesity can lead to diabetes, heart disease, and a major contributing factor of osteoarthritis. Senior pets need lower calorie diets to maintain a normal body condition.
Cancer is one of our most common diagnosis in pets. Early detection is imperative to help prevent cancer from being untreatable or unmanageable. We are able to evaluate your pets lumps and bumps and recommend the best plan for successful management of the particular type of cancer he or she has. We strive to keep your pet happier through their later years.