Jaoni Kincade


While still attending high school, Jaoni found a spot here at Animal Medical Center of Brooksville. Jaoni is a member of FFA, NHS, FBLA, Class Club, SPOT, and serves as a Hernando High board member. She attends PHSC as a dual enrollment student as well. Upon graduation, she will earn her Associates degree. She plans to major in Animal Science, Zoology, or Pre-Vet Med – later attending a university for her graduate. Jaoni would like to keep her focus on large animal and wildlife. When not working or going to school, Jaoni enjoys freestyle painting, listening to music, sleeping and eating. Her family has grown – she recently welcomed her baby brother this year.

When Jaoni was younger, she watched Animal Planet and National Geographic’s. This led to her interest in animals. She later on joined FFA at Hernando High School. At home she has a few pets of her own; leopard geckos and a rabbit.